Every time you sit down to dinner and dig into that big juicy steak, you are supporting an illegal alien. The salad? Illegal labor processed the veggies. The crew that replaced your roof after the big hail storm? Probably illegals put it up. If you are as righteously indignant as you sound about illegal immigrant labor, put your dollars where your mouth is. Stop patronizing businesses that employ illegal laborers. It isn't hard to find these companies. A simple google search will get you started. Be sure and let the business know why you will no longer patronize them. Further, start lobbying your Congresspeople to strengthen and enforce, with no prior notice, laws against hiring illegal employees. Make the penalties hurt. If the cost of fines outweighs the financial benefits of hiring illegal immigrants, the employers would stop hiring them. It is only when hiring illegal workers impacts their bottom line that employers will get serious about the issue. So stop supporting illegal aliens. Boycott. But I have to tell you,once the cheap labor has gone home, you may not like the consequences.
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